English Life - ネイティブが使う英語


find out とfigure outの違い


▼find out :事実や情報を見つける (discover some information)

▼figure out:現在分からないものを分かるようになる



find out は「何かを発見する」です。努力を要するかもしれませんが、多く考えることはありません。

 一方、figure out は、脳みそを使って考えて解決することです。何かを決定するプロセスの時にも使います。

To figure something out means you have to think to solve it. To find out something may take a little effort but not a lot of thinking.


For example:

  • I can't make plans for my holidays until my boss figures out when he is taking his vacation.
  • Let’s put our heads together and figure out a healthy meal plan.
  • You figure out a math problem.
  • You figure out how to solve a puzzle.
  • If I wanted to learn how to say something in Arabic, I could look it up and I would find it out.
  • If I wanted to know to know the capital of France, I would find it out by looking it up.